Everything you need to know about our account, card, receive, and send pricing. Say bye bye to huge fees for good.
Setting up your account
It’d free to create a GenioPay account, and there are never any minimum balances to worry about.
Create your account
FreeGet a European IBAN
FreeUS account number
FreeUK account number
FreeCanadian account number
FreeHold 30+ currency balances
FreeHold more than $15,000 in
0.40% annually
USD balance
Using your debit card
You can spend on your GenioPay debit card in any currency, and our smart tech will auto-convert it with the lowest possible fee.
Order a GenioPay debit card
FreeReplacement card
3 USDSpend in multiple currencies
FreeConvert a currency using your card
FreeATM withdrawls over $500 / month
FreeOver 2 ATM withdrawls / month
FreeFirst 2 ATM withdrawls up to
$500 / month
Sending money
With the GenioPay account, you’ll always get the real exchange rate.
Convert currencies
0.5%GBP Direct Debit
FreeEUR Direct Debit
FreeUSD Direct Debit
FreeFixed fee to send money
(varies by currency)